Lee Chong Wei appreciates support from Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Lee Chong Wei thanks Dr. Mahathir for his support. (photo: Lee Chong Wei's Facebook)
Lee Chong Wei thanks Dr. Mahathir for his support. (photo: Lee Chong Wei's Facebook)

Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian badminton legend Lee Chong Wei who announced his retirement on Thursday, appreciated the support he received from Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and his spouse Tun Siti Hasmah as they posted a video to thank Lee for his contribution to Malaysia.

Lee was clearly touched by Dr. Mahathir’s video by posting a message on Facebook in response to the video and promised he would continue contributing to his country.

“I was shocked to tears seeing this video, featuring two people i respect the most, PM Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah. Their speech made me realise that my tears, sweats and sacrifices all worthwhile.

During the premier of my movie, I couldn’t hide my tears knowing these elders walked up the stadium stairs just to support me. And for Tun Siti to always came by the Badminton team to support them, really showed she is the real ‘mother’ of Malaysian Badminton.

To Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah, thank you for your encouragement and motivation. I promise to both of, I will continue to contribute to this country, to make this a better place for you , me and our future generation.

Despite all achievements, it was nothing compared to what both of you have contributed to the nation. Thank you so much and we are very lucky to have you both.

And my Wife always teased me to learn to be like Tun Mahathir, especially on being a good faithful husband for so many years. Salute u Tun .

Malaysians thank you, Tun Mahathir, Tun Siti Hasmah”

In an exclusive interview with a Malaysia TV station on Thursday night, Lee said that he would consider spending more time with his family, especially his wife Wong Mew Choo after the retirement.

“I owe my wife a lot, I am going to take a year off”.

Lee also stressed that he would be happy to help out if his service is needed.

“I am more than happy to be a sparring partner for players at the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) at any time. Not only badminton, but also the other sports, after all, I am an athlete who is always ready to serve the country,” said Lee during the interview.


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